Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alpha Omega - Ellicottville Trip

Ever since starting dental school I've picked up a ton of new hobbies and this past weekend I just added another to the list - snowboarding. While my body sufficiently ached from falling countless times, the weekend was a blast.

Alpha Omega is the dental fraternity I joined last semester in an effort to get involved early on. This weekend was one of the first trips that I've attended and it was a trip to Ellicotville, a small skiing town an hour and a half south of Buffalo. We were lucky enough to stay with Dr. Stern, a generous alumni, at his winter home, which included beds, lots of food, drinks and fun. We arrived on Saturday evening, and went tubing at the Holiday Valley Tubing Company, which was my first tubing experience and I'd say it was nothing short of thrilling. Accelerating down an ice and snow chute for 900 feet is something that doesn't get old too quickly. That night we went out to eat at a restaurant called Kabob, which was also not bad. Dr. Stern's place was prime location, being walking distance to the bar scene, and restaurants. It was also no more than a 10 minute drive to the tubing location and to the ski slopes. After an awesome dinner we proceeded to have a night out, where we danced the night away, despite having to wake up early the next morning to hit the slopes.

We got the the Holiday Valley Slope around 11:00AM, decked out in my new snowpants, sunglasses, hat and layers of clothing. I rented my first snowboard, and spent the first 3 hours or so mastering the bunny hill. After flying down a few times, Laura and I progressed to our first green slope. To our dismay, or more so mine than hers, I ended up sliding down the slope on my back,arm, butt, rather than snowboarding down it. Control is the main thing I need to work on which will definitely be the focus next time! Nonetheless, the day was awesome I'm totally going back again.

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