I've grossly neglected this blog, but all for good reason. Reading my previous posts its almost unfathomable how much has changed since the start. People have settled, work load has risen, and the atmosphere has tensed. I'm realizing at this point that dental school to many is the end all, be all of the next four years. From my housemates, undergraduate professors and my own life I've learned the exact opposite, and that has been the main struggle in the past weeks. Studying in my mind is a fact of any academic endeavor. It was in Binghamton, as it is in Buffalo. But we're all human. Complex and allosteric, if one will. Our states depend on many factors. We have desires, pet-peeves, personalities, rituals and routines. I feel the hardest thing yet is to find that balance for myself. Prioritizing has never been a problem, but acting on those set priorities is a totally different thing.
As of today we've had 2 Biochemistry Exams, 2 Waxing practicals, A histology exam, Dental Anatomy Midterm and Gross Block II is this Friday. Abdomen has been great, and anatomy is teaching me things far beyond the human body. For better or worse, the first year of dental school will most definitely be something to remember. At the end of it all, I can only hope to say I'll be able to hold it all together, on my own, no matter what, since I've come to realize it's a world of strangers and there's really no other option.